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Op Ed
Considering Cuba’s and our current financial plights, and the need to restore both our economies, it seems Cuba would offer a golden opportunity...
Today, thanks to the Obama administration, as well as left-leaning think tanks in Washington and New York, an effort is underway to steer an...
I doubt any lawmaker could name a local company that does $1 million (the threshold) worth of business with Syria, but everyone can name one —...
As a baseball fan and card-carrying Cuban-American living in Miami because of Fidel Castro, I have tried to muster anger toward Ozzie Guillen, but...
Pope Benedict XVI should never have accepted the terms and conditions insisted upon by the Cuban dictatorship for his trip to Cuba. By strictly...
Being the messenger of God on Earth, if Pope Benedict XVI hears the pleas of the Ladies in White and the cries for help of the regime’s secular...
Letter To The Editor
Richard Nixon, a dedicated anticommunist, was the one who opened up China during Mao Tse-tung's rule. Rubio is uniquely positioned to do the...
Maybe he should befriend a Cuban-American, so that he or she may enlighten him on the realities of life in Cuba. Sure, Cuba has first-class...
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